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Row, Row, Row Your Tub

Stationary hot tubs are so last year! Now you can row your spa merrily down the stream with the latest in hot tub technology. Frank De Bruijn of the Netherlands recently introduced the world to a contemporary hot tub boat innovation that’s making waves globally. The “Hot Tug” comfortably seats 6-8 people, and stays at a soothing 100.4F while it’s electric engine jets along the water. For those with extra money to splurge on hot tubs, the most extravagant version of the “Hot Tug” will set you back a cool $21 000. Dipping into your savings account will get you the greatest in “Hot Tug” features, including: the boat, a stainless steel wood burning heater, an electric engine, batteries and a charger. Ideally, the Canadian version of this mobile hot tub would include winter-friendly skates on the bottom!

hot tug boat in action