Hot Tub Watsu
Watsu is a form of traditional Japanese Shiatsu finger-pressure massage, which is applied to the chi. Chi can be best described as our body’s energy channels. Customarily performed by skilled practitioners in a warm tub of water or in a hot tub, Watsu enhances Shiatsu stretches and movement, proffering feelings of supreme well-being and total relaxation. Considered a modern alternative therapy, Watsu (often called Water Shiatsu) has been quietly gaining in popularity across North America over the last 5-7 years. The method was developed by Harold Dull in 1980, after he started floating people while applying the principles and stretches of Zen Shiatsu. The stretches open channels through which Chi energy can flow freely, increasing flexibility and muscle tone. By combining Zen Shiatsu with warm water, Harold Dull discovered the ideal medium to promote relaxation. Watsu is now performed in more than 40 countries worldwide. The practice has evolved, and while the core focus remains on stretching, the power of breathing techniques and meditative calm plays an important role. From combating chronic pain to physical ailments, Watsu is an accepted modality in aquatic rehabilitation. If you are looking to incorporate Watsu into your wellness regime, please visit to find a local practitioner. Hot Tub Covers Canada Tip: While the warmth of a hot tub can improve the health of many, it is always a sound idea for individuals with health conditions to seek medical advice before commencing a new program.