Hot Tub Covers for Inflatables and SoftTubs
With the cost of utilities continuing to soar (and with no end in sight), is it any wonder homeowners are reluctant to install a built-in hardshell hot tub?
While hardshell hot tubs can be very energy efficient, there is always a fear of the unknown. Here at Hot Tub Covers Canada, we have seen an increase in customers contacting us about their new "soft tub" or "inflatable hot tub". In the course of our phone and email discussions, it is clear these hot tub lovers are testing the waters, trying to gauge if they should take the plunge with a larger unit. Yes, larger built-in hot tubs mean more water and more electricity and more chemicals and/or saltwater tools. So in fairness, these smaller models are a great stepping stone! However, many of the inflatable and softtubs sold in big box stores do not include some of the much-needed accessories - including a hot tub cover or blankets to help curb heat loss. Hot tub covers are a particularly important item when it comes to the long-term care and use of an inflatable hot tub. A cover can help prevent environmental debris from collecting in the water or clogging the filter. Not to mention, just like on a built-in hot tub, a quality cover will help ensure the water vapour condenses and drips back into the tub. A great way to ensure water, heat and sanitizer stays in the tub! If you have purchased an inflatable hot tub, do not hesitate to give us a call. Hot Tub Covers Canada offers a variety of unique solutions for all hot tubs and spas, including Thermal Foam, Floating Spa Blankets, Spa Vacuums, Saltwater Chlorine Generators, and the popular Cover Caps.