Canadian Winter Hot Tub Tips
With the holiday season behind us, many people are now in clean up mode. The tree comes down, decorations are put away and guest bedrooms made ready for the next visitors. This also means that Canadian winter is now in full swing; with many regions hunkering down for the coldest months of the year. Incredibly, hot tub owners across Canada will tell you they consider January and February the prime season for extra-long soaks. If this sounds like you and your family, then read on. The team from Hot Tub Covers Canada asked our customers and followers to share their best Winter Hot Tub Tips and we've picked the top three. DON'T FORGET TO CLEAN OR REPLACE YOUR FILTERS Did you know hot tub filters are more often than not the most neglected part? Compounding this oversight is the fact the hot tub filters are key to keeping your hot tub clean and heated. When it comes to cleaning, the team at Hot Tub Covers Canada all agrees: set aside the 1st of each month to wash your filters. Has it been a while since you've cleaned your filters? Swim University has you covered! Click here to learn How to Clean Hot Tub Filters When it comes to filter replacements, many hot tub owners set January 1st as their replacement date. If you don't remember the last time you replaced your filters, it's probably overdue. Bonus Tip: After heavy hot tub usage - for most hot tub owners this is post-holiday weekends or in the summer months - make a point to clean your filters! WATER QUALITY This might seem like a no-brainer, but no Canadian living in a snowbelt region wants to be draining and refilling a hot tub in the dead of winter. Most maintenance schedules will have suggested a drain/fill service in the latter fall months. In order to keep your water quality in good shape, it is essential to monitor your pH and alkalinity levels. Keep them balanced as best as possible for healthy soaking until the warmer weather arrives. KEEP IT COVERED A hot tub cover in good condition is designed to keep energy costs low, reduce evaporation and keep dirt and debris out of your spa water. A quality hot tub cover is a must-have when you live in the great white north. Having said all this, hot tub covers are not designed to last forever. When looking to replace a worn-out hot tub cover, look to models that are lightweight (easier to lift in the winter months) and offer added features to reduce heat loss. Bonus Tip: When clearing your hot tub cover of snow, we know it can be tempting to use a shovel. Please don't! Instead, invest in a snow broom or a long-handled push broom with soft bristles. Both are sold at leading hardware and home improvement stores across the country.
Hot Tub Covers Canada is a leading supplier of replacement hot tub covers and accessories designed with Canadian winters in mind. Be sure to visit to explore our products and gain valuable insight on hot tub maintenance .